We are at just about the 31 week mark, give or take for each baby. Dr.s at Clinic say we should expect twins anywhere between 34 to 36 weeks so we have about another 3-5 weeks to go for Un and Deux and Trois gets another few weeks of privacy. We've been working really hard to get everything ready. Here are some updates.
Baby Stuff
We have pretty much gotten everything on the list I posted earlier in the summer. For a stroller, I managed to find a used Bertini on craigslist for $120. Mr. M. calls this the tank.
We tried to take Lulu for a walk in the tank but she wasn't having it. It is so big, it can probably hold all three babies for first two months or so. Our plan is to use it (with ergo for one baby) until babies sit up and then get the foundation triple. My mom was generous enough to buy us a crib and a changing table which we will use in addition to a bassinett I got from a neighbor.
Otherwise we have tons of clothes (thanks in part to some lovely friends who gave us what their babies outgrew). And we are doing color coded Dr. Brown's bottles--they come in three colors, pink, blue and clear, perfect, one for each baby (though any boys we have are getting pink and clear--no blue for boys and pink for girls). Eight bottles per baby. I got three "bottle nannies" not sure if they work.
Xtra Stuff for India
We have three Phil and Ted Cocoons
Bottle Sterilizer: We are leaning toward a hotel stay right now and yes it's big, but it works great and
will make our lives easier
Lots of newbie diapers (I heard they hard to find)
50 pac of simulac ready made 2oz sensitive formula and nips for various embassys and flights.
Getting the Paperwork Ready
Here is where I made a lot of progress
1. I filled in some of online forms for US consulate (report of birth abroad, passport/SS app) and printed out multiple copies for each baby.
2. DNA kits (4 in total) ordered from Chromosomal Labs in Az already at US consulate waiting
3. Started process of second-parent adoption in NY state--we just waiting for birth certificates
4. Started process of getting a "suit of declaration" from an Indian Court which terminates surrogates parental rights by International Law, required by NY State as it does not recognize surrogacy (this requires multiple court dates in India and takes a month or so and might be a hassle-we shall see).
5. Got Indian Visas for M and myself--multiple photocopies of visa, passports, marriage license
6. To prove continuous US residency an old passport, tax records and a list of entry and exit dates of everytime I left the US since birth!!!!
7. 10 2*2 Passport Photos
8. Three copies of every medical-related email from clinic--part of medical records for FRRO
9. We are thinking for buying two one-way tickets for flight rather than changing round-trip dates and accruing fees. We will wait til last minute on that. Mr M.s mom, Mrs. M, will come to India towards end of trip and fly back to US with us so we can all come back together.
10. This weekend we go to Kmart and buy two or three large suitcases and pack them up.
We hired a baby nurse for when we get back. She will come over next week and make sure things look in order here so apt can handle three newborns hopefully sometime in early November.
Clinic told us with two separate births we should prepare to be there for 45-60 days! I'm hoping we can do it in less than 45 but trois has to cooperate.
All in all we are nervous and really excited. In a few weeks time our lives will change forever, we know that, but neither of us really have a clue what that means. For now we wait and try to encourage babies to cook a little longer