Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Last night was our first night with Lucy home. It was tough. We were up every 2 hours or so. She is still adjusting to her new environment and like Mila is very vocal when she is unhappy. We will start having a nanny come for a full day so we can catch up with sleep by the pool. Because of holiday here Lucy's passport appointment is delayed til tuesday. The means we will probably get it on Monday November 5 and hopefully by Wed Nov 7 be in Delhi for final paperwork and home by Friday, this is if all goes well. 

Here are some pics of Mila and Estella


  1. robert and Mr M this is awesome, i am so happy for you guys. i spoke to the DNA lab today out in Arazona and I got that all set up. I go for my DNA swab next week. its getting close. Hope all keeps going well for you guys

  2. They are absolutely beautiful! So happy for you guys. Have you been to the FRRO yet? Any tips?

  3. They are so sweet. I look forward to your updates.

  4. Beautiful little girls and all three together will be such a joy! Thrilled for you all.
